+34 963 608 892


REDLEX GROUP is the result of integrating five highly specialized Law offices with a view to geographically extend the services resulting from the blending of their respective areas of influence in this common project.

It is our firm belief that the synergies created by this professional alliance will benefit present and future REDLEX clients, allowing us to obtain the best results and fully meet our client’s legal needs in a wider geographical scenario.

From our main offices in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Málaga, Almería and Girona, we have reinforced REDLEX group by our association with leading Law firms in Spains’s major cities. On an international level, we currently have associates in Brussels, Antwerp and Moscow, as well as our extensive net of collaborators that is the Belgian based European Lawyers Association. With an immediately projected expansion to the main European and American countries that will enable us to strategically meet our client’s legal needs in all of the Spanish territory, Europe and America, providing multidisciplinary and personalized legal services of the highest standard.

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